Carol Libman

Carol Libman and Emma Tibaldo

A native Montrealer who made Toronto her home later in life, Carol Libman was one of the founders of Playwrights’ Workshop Montréal, home of the Carol Libman Resource Centre which was established in honour of her 20 years of service to PWM. She was an active member of the New Play Development Group of the Alumnae Theatre, where she and Anne Tait co-directed the NEXT STAGE READING SERIES.  She was also a member of The Playwrights Guild of Canada, the Dramatists Guild and the International Centre for Women Playwrights. She is known for her work on “Cornered” a ten-minute play presented at the annual InspiraTO Festival; as well as full-length plays:  “A Life Beyond Doubt”, “A Very Different Place”, “Airport Tales, and “Lies and Consequences;”  and “Leap of Faith”, a Rare Day Projects’ production at Toronto’s the Village Playhouse, presented in June 2022.

Thank you Carol for all your tireless contributions and constant support to the playwrights and artists around you.

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